Archive: February 28, 2023


ជាមួយនឹងកែវភ្នែកអព្យាក្រឹតចំនួន 4 និងច្រើនទៀតសំណស់ថ្មីរបស់ផលចំណេញគឺជាប្រភេទដែលមានរាងដូច groovy-kit

ទទួលបានអត្ថប្រយោជន៍ថ្មី 36 ដុល្លារដែលមានអត្ថប្រយោជន៍ថ្មី
ខ្ញុំបានព្យាយាមមិនគិតអំពី Phil Collins ថ្ងៃនេះខណៈពេលដែលលេងជាមួយឧបករណ៍ថ្មីដែលមានអត្ថប្រយោជន៍ថ្មីរបស់ Grovy-chat ដែលជាឧបករណ៍ឈប់សម្រាកស្នេហា … ប៉ុន្តែពិតជាពិបាកណាស់។

ខ្ញុំបានប្រាប់ខ្ញុំថា “សូមការផ្តោតអារម្មណ៍! គិតអំពីកែវភ្នែក! ” (មានបួនក្នុងចំណោមពួកគេអព្យាក្រឹតនិងពាក់បានយ៉ាងខ្លាំង។ ) ហើយ “ទទួលបានក្បាលរបស់អ្នកនៅក្នុងហ្គេមការ៉ែន! អ្នកអាចប្រើបន្សំ blush ដែលជាអ្នកបន្លំប្រសិនបើអ្នកស្រទាប់វានៅលើកំពូលនៃ benetint ។


ប៉ុន្តែ NOOOOOOO ។ ខ្ញុំគ្រាន់តែបាន hearing សួរថា “តើអ្នកមិនយល់ព្រមទេឬ? ទារកអ្នកនិងខ្ញុំទទួលបានសេចក្តីស្រឡាញ់ដែលមានរាងដូចចង្អូរ? ”




ឆ្មានិងគ្រឿងតុបតែងមុខរបស់ឆ្មា ??

42 ដុល្លារ


គាត់នឹងលេងវានៅលើការផ្ទុះយ៉ាងពេញលេញផងដែរហើយលោក Phil Gr Phil បានទៅដល់កន្លែងបន្ទរនោះឆ្កែរបស់ Guy នឹងទទួលបានសកម្មភាពហើយចាប់ផ្តើមស្រែកថ្ងូរ។


សង្ឃឹមថាការពាក់ភ្នែកបោះពុម្ពមានកំណត់នេះនិងឧបករណ៍ថ្ពាល់នឹងលាបពណ៌ខុសគ្នាប៉ុន្តែដូចគ្នានឹង Groovy, ប្រភេទនៃក្តីស្រឡាញ់នៅលើធនាគារចងចាំរបស់ខ្ញុំ។

មានច្រើនដែលត្រូវចូលចិត្តអំពីវា។ វាច្បាស់ជាត្រូវបានរចនាឡើងជាមួយក្មេងស្រីដែលចូលចិត្តថ្ពាល់ពណ៌ផ្កាឈូកដែលមានរាងដូចធម្មជាតិនិងភ្លឺរលោងពណ៌ត្នោតបន៍ត្នោតខ្ចីនិងភ្នែកមាសក្នុងចិត្ត (ដូចខ្ញុំ!) ។

កែវភ្នែករោមចិញ្ចើម: ធ្វើឱ្យភ្លុករបស់ខ្ញុំ, gilt-y រីករាយ, shimmer ចុះក្រោមហើយថើបខ្ញុំខ្ញុំពិតជាមានប្រសិទ្ធិភាព
dandelion blush នៅខាងឆ្វេងនិង gimme ក្តៅុនុន blush នៅខាងស្តាំ
ពីខាងឆ្វេង: បេស្ទ្រីនពួកគេគឺជាម៉ាស្ការ៉ាពិតប្រាកដនិងភួយ
ខ្ញុំចង់សាកល្បងការបញ្ឈប់កែវភ្នែកនៅលើកំពូលនៃលង្ហិនលង្ហិនឬមូលដ្ឋានខ្មៅប៉ុន្តែខ្ញុំមិនប្រាកដថាតើសារធាតុពណ៌មានសក្តានុពលគ្រប់គ្រាន់សម្រាប់ Damsel ងងឹតទេ។ សើមជក់របស់អ្នកជាមុនហើយអនុវត្តវាសើមគួរតែបង្កើនអាំងតង់ស៊ីតេ។


តម្លៃ: 36 ដុល្លារ
ភាពអាចរកបាន: មកដល់ឆាប់ៗនេះដើម្បីទទួលបានអត្ថប្រយោជន៍រាប់អ្នកគាំទ្រប៉ុន្តែមានឥឡូវតាមអ៊ិនធរណេត
ការតុបតែងមុខនិងកំណត់ហេតុបណ្ដាញសម្រស់: ខ +



ភី។ ស៊ី។ ស៊ី ហេតុអ្វីបានជានៅថ្ងៃច័ន្ទនេះមិនអាចងាយស្រួលបាន babe? ឥឡូវនេះខ្ញុំដឹងថាហេតុអ្វីបានជាកីឡាបាល់ទាត់ស្អប់ពួកគេយ៉ាងខ្លាំង …


ខ្ញុំសង្ឃឹមថាអ្នកមិនរដុបពេកទេ។ អណ្តូងរ៉ែមិនអីទេប៉ុន្តែវាមានអារម្មណ៍ថាវែងឆ្ងាយ។ ផ្នែកដែលល្អបំផុតគឺប្រហែលជាគ្រាប់បែក @ @ អេសអេសកូរឱ្យចៀនខ្ញុំធ្វើសម្រាប់អាហារពេលល្ងាចជាមួយតុក្កតាតុក្កតាតុក្កតាខ្ទឹមបារាំងបៃតងនិងខាត់ណាខៀវដែលមានរដូវស្លឹកទឹកស៊ីអ៊ីវនិងប្រេងល្ង។

ដូច្នេះយ៉ុម …

ឥឡូវខ្ញុំកំពុងមើលសំលេងហើយកោតសរសើរតុបតែងរបស់មនុស្សគ្រប់គ្នា។ មានដំណេកល្អ។


សិល្បៈផ្លូវថ្នល់ឆ្នេរ Venice


ខ្ញុំមានចម្ងាយប្រហែល 15 នាទីទៀតដើម្បីដើរទៅឆ្នេរវេនីសនាព្រឹកនេះមុនពេលចាកចេញទៅអាកាសយានដ្ឋានទោះជាយ៉ាងណាខ្ញុំបានឆ្លងកាត់ផ្លូវសិល្បៈដ៏អស្ចារ្យមួយចំនួននៅគ្រានោះ។





Unsung makeup Heroes: Yves Saint Laurent glossy discolor in Pourpre preview

Yves Saint Laurent glossy discolor in Pourpre preview rocks!

There! That’s much better. I can hear you now. Sorry, however I can’t assist it when it pertains to The Purple One. Hello, Take Me With You? Kiss? Purple Rain? You understand exactly how it is — you gotta turn it up when you’re bumping Prince.


Speaking of purples that regime (LOL! How’s that for a lazy transition?), I was ferreting with my lipgloss stock last week when I rediscovered one of the biggest purples of all time (IMHO), Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Pur Couture glossy discolor in Pourpre Preview, or “purple preview” en Francais.

I’ve had purple lipgloss on my mind (and lips) a great deal lately…partly since of Pantone’s color of the Year, Radiant Orchid, making headlines, however it really goes back much additionally than that — at least as far back as my twenty-sixth birthday, when my good friend Jen got me my extremely very first tube of purple lipgloss (Benefit Kiss Me).

Yves Saint Laurent glossy discolor in Pourpre Preview, $34
Gotta like the doe foot
So, Pourpre preview — yeah, it’s $34, however of what it’s worth, with YSL’s glossy Stains, it’s like you’re getting two lip products for the (pretty high) cost of one.


ឆ្មានិងគ្រឿងតុបតែងមុខរបស់ឆ្មា ??

42 ដុល្លារ


In this case, the color starts as a gorgeous, glossy orchid violet, which then mellows out to a purplish pink stain.


Lasts from 5-6 hours on my lips

Has a moderately moisturizing, somewhat sticky formula that feels rather thick when very first applied

Unflavored, however it smells a bit like eco-friendly apples to me (yum!)

It’s one of the most wearable purples I’ve ever seen, as well as that’s what makes it an Unsung Hero to me. It’s just so frickin’ wearable! It looks great on just about anyone.

It’s purple — however not as well purple, if that makes any type of sense — as well as semi-opaque, so it enables your natural lip color to peek through.

Ooh, purple!

Some purple lip products, especially opaque ones like Topshop’s double Take, are extremely obvious; there’s no mistaking that you’re using something purple, as well as it’s a extremely high fashion, straight-off-the runway look. Not something you might quickly work into your daily makeup routine.

Pourpre Preview, on the other hand, maybe since it lets with a hint of your natural lip color, seems much better fit to genuine life. When you walk into a meeting, the makeup enthusiasts in the space will notice your lovely, special lip color however won’t be all like, “Oh, snap! Is sweetheart truly using full-on purple lips to this meeting? Where does she believe she is — the club?”

What about cheek colors to opt for it? Well, coupling purple lips with a purple or plum blush color can look a bit dated (not that there’s anything wrong with it), however for a lot of genuine life scenarios, I’d wear it with coral or peach cheeks. purple as well as coral/peach combo pair well as well as doesn’t look as well matchy.

That’s Pourpre preview on my lips as well as MAC Cantaloupe on my cheeks


I’ve been using Pourpre preview with MAC’s Cantaloupe (LOVE) as well as Buxom’s Euphoria blush, a bright as well as lovely coral matte. (Side note: do you want me to provide Euphoria the Unsung Heroes treatment? just let me know…’cause it’s type of phenom.)

អ្នកធ្វើការដែលមានភាពរាក់ទាក់សហគមន៍ដែលរឿយ ៗ របស់អ្នក



BeaCa Shimmmering ស្បែកដែលត្រូវបានចុចនៅ Opal គឺជាបណ្តឹងឧទ្ធរណ៍សំរិទ្ធដ៏សាហាវមួយ

Aaaaand Becca ទើបតែបន្តធ្វើឱ្យមានការលេចចេញនូវការបន្លិច! ស្បែកភ្លឺថ្លា peachy ថ្មីដែលត្រូវបានចុចនៅ Opal មើលទៅគួរឱ្យអស់សំណើចណាស់លើសម្លេងស្បែកក្តៅ។ ប្រសិនបើអ្នក Rockin ‘Tan ដ៏ល្អឥឡូវនេះនេះគឺជាពណ៌ដែលអ្នកចង់សាកល្បងបន្ទាប់។

វាត្រូវបានផ្តល់ជូនឥឡូវនេះអ្នកអាចរកឃើញវាឥឡូវនេះនៅតាមហាង Sephora ក៏ដូចជា ក្នុងតម្លៃ 38 ដុល្លារ។


opal នៅខាងឆ្វេងក៏ដូចជាព្រះចន្ទនៅខាងស្តាំ
ស្លៀកពាក់ opal នៅលើថ្ពាល់របស់ខ្ញុំ


I’m Carisa Janes of hourglass Cosmetics, as well as This Is My makeup Life

The My makeup Life series asks charm biz insiders, bloggers, makeup mavens as well as artists to share their holy grail products, tricks, suggestions as well as preferred charm tools. Is there anybody you would like to see featured in My makeup Life or concerns you believe I ought to ask? let me understand here.

Name: Carisa Janes
Location: Venice, CA
Day job/current gig: CEO as well as creator of hourglass Cosmetics
Hangouts online: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook as well as
Current preferred Product: hourglass Ambient illumination blush in luminous Flush
Beauty inspirations: imagination in any type of form, art, architecture, photography, technology, film & design. I’m likewise influenced by different places — Venice (CA), Tokyo, Stockholm.
One word that finest explains your outlook on beauty: Insatiable

What makeup/beauty products can’t you online without?

Veil Mineral primer — I fail to remember exactly how essential it is up until I overlook to utilize it. Veil fluid makeup has been my go-to foundation for numerous years, as well as Ambient illumination Powder is difficult to resist. Over the program of a day, I utilize dim Light, Radiant Light as well as luminous Light, in that order. It’s my personal illumination technician.


The hourglass Ambient illumination combination ($58), a restricted edition product from holiday 2013
When did you begin getting into makeup?

All the women in my family, including my grandmother, my mom as well as my step-mother, were charm enthusiasts. As a teenager I’ll never fail to remember my mom taking me to the Chanel counter of a department store in California. The truth you might reveal yourself with makeup has long influenced me. It still does.

Hourglass extreme Sheen Lip Gloss in rich (bottom) as well as Origami (top), $28 each
What’s your finest charm time-saving trick?

I always wear a primer, to ensure that my makeup has longevity. I utilize multitasking products, such as a foundation with anti-aging components as well as SPF. And, like many women, I can apply mascara in my cars and truck while stopped at a red light.

Hourglass Ambient illumination Blushes in Radiant Magenta (left) as well as Diffused warm (right), $35 each us as well as $41 CDN

What’s your preferred charm tool?

I have three necessary tools: a curling iron by hot Tools, tweezers as well as my Double-Ended skin tone Brush. I utilize it to apply foundation, blush as well as concealer. The truth it’s retractable implies it’s travel-friendly.


ឆ្មានិងគ្រឿងតុបតែងមុខរបស់ឆ្មា ??

42 ដុល្លារ


Hourglass Femme nude Lip Stylos, $30 each
What’s the very best charm guidance you ever received?

សូម​មើល។ There’s drink water, sleep well, work out, exfoliate, as well as utilize sunscreen every day. wear makeup — that’s likewise a great one.

Hourglass No 28 Lip treatment Oil, $42
What’s your skincare routine?

Two things I feel strongly about are exfoliating on a regular basis as well as utilizing an SPF product every day. I utilize RéVive Cleanser Exfoliante, as well as wear Shiseido metropolitan atmosphere Oil-Free UV Protector broad Spectrum SPF 42. I cleanse with Tatcha’s One step Camellia Cleansing Oil, as well as currently utilize Prevage MD as my anti-aging serum.

Carisa’s office at hourglass headquarters in Venice Beach
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve tried in the name of beauty?

It’s not particularly goofy however there was a period when I was partial to using colored get in touch with lenses. They were a hazel eco-friendly shade.

Hourglass Veil Mineral primer SPF 15, $52
Do you have a trademark look (hair/styling/makeup)?

I like natural-looking makeup on myself, as well as natural beach hair. When it concerns fashion, I’m drawn to architectural pieces, strong fashion jewelry as well as statement shoes. I like to mix in vintage pieces as well as accessories.

A closeup of Radiant Magenta Ambient illumination Blush
Are there any type of charm decisions you’ve made that you look back on as well as ask yourself “why?!”


In my early 20s I went with a stage of dying my hair, naturally a chestnut shade, black as well as then bright red. I question about that decision sometimes.

A closeup of Diffused warm Ambient illumination Blush
Where are your preferred locations to shop?

The many incredible buying destination I’ve come across lately would be Stockholm. Scandinavian designers are incredibly talented. The department store NK Stockholm is a repository of great brands as well as a excellent location to explore.

The smooth Ambient illumination blush compacts
Anything else you want to share?

If you can only invest in one thing, make it a first-class foundation.

The hourglass makeup line

Urban Decay summer 2015: new Eyeshadow shades

urban Decay summer 2015: new Eyeshadow shades ($18 each)
Well, now I know what to wear in the unlikely event that Charli XCX invites me to be a backup dancer in one of her videos. This: the new urban Decay summer 2015 Eyeshadow shades (arriving April 15 at urban Decay counters and online for $18 each).

The “shifts,” as they’re called, have a cool 20-something party girl vibe. It’s very “big hair don’t care/let’s get drunk on the mini-bar.”


But I’m getting ahead of myself! — so lemme back up a little.


The eight new shades join UD’s existing Eyeshadow permanent line. six of them are “shifts” — duo-chromes that appear to change color in the light, like that holographic thing. The other two are matte browns, about which I have to say, “YAY!” transition colors. សើច​ឮ​ខ្លាំង! Leave it to me to get all cheerleader-y about the matte browns…


ឆ្មានិងគ្រឿងតុបតែងមុខរបស់ឆ្មា ??

42 ដុល្លារ


Whatever, I can always use another matte brown. Hand on my heart and hair to the sky, it’s the truth!

The new urban Decay summer 2015 Eyeshadows ($18 each)

Urban Decay summer 2015 Eyeshadows ($18 each)

As the shades are simply additions to UD’s existing line, they have the current formula, so no new bells or whistles here. just new colors.

Starting with the mattes (because that’s how I roll), I like both of them, Riff and Beware, but for different reasons.

Warm orangey Riff looks a lot like texture to me, one of my all-time matte MAC eyeshadow faves. They’re practically sisters from another mister.

If you don’t have MAC Texture, and you do wear a lot of burgundy, plum and reddish purple, then consider Riff if you want a new transition color. Riff will rock as a transition shade with any/all of those colors, buuut, it’s deep, yo. You might want to lay down a lighter warm brown first, or the transition from dark to light could look a little choppy. go in with a layer of your lighter matte color first, then use Riff for depth.

About Beware, the second matte brown, view out!

Kidding. ទទួល​បាន? Beware?

It’s also warm, but much more golden and less orange than Riff, and I like it a lot. like Riff, it’s deep…so I mostly use it as a second color in the crease to deepen a transition. this one looks a lot like a slightly warmer UD buck to me.

Urban Decay’s eyeshadows are known for a few things, like 1) an fantastic selection of colors, 2) an easy-to-blend formula and 3) fallout.

Yeah…these new shades exhibit some fallout, too, and they can get messy because the powders are practically lighter than air. When I run a brush across a pan, the bristles lift up much more than enough shadow.

Urban Decay summer 2015 Collection Eyeshadows: product pictures

Urban Decay Eyeshadow in Dive Bar, a medium blue with pinkish purple shift
Urban Decay Eyeshadow in Sideline, a gold with green shift
Urban Decay Eyeshadow in Fireball, a peach with pink shift
Urban Decay Eyeshadow in Lounge, a brick red with green shift
Urban Decay Eyeshadow in Backfire, a burgundy with purple shift
Urban Decay Eyeshadow in Tonic, a lilac with blue shift
Urban Decay Eyeshadow in Beware, a matte warm brown
Urban Decay Eyeshadow in Riff, a matte brown-nude with micro-sparkle
To make your life easier, tap the heck out of that excess once you load your brush. Really, it makes all the difference in the world. The fallout with these and UD’s other shadows is NOT a deal-breaker. I repeat! — NOT a deal-breaker. As long as you get many of the excess off your brush, you’ll be fine. same with the mattes and the shifts.

The shifts now, like their nickname implies, appear to shift from one color to another, and the shift is pretty dramatic. I like using my fingers to apply them, because it’s easy to get a lot of product packed on there quickly, and it saves from having to wash another brush.

So much lazy.

My faves are Dive Bar and Lounge (a blue and a green) because I like how they look with my brown eyes.

Think of the shifts as statement jewelry makeup. maybe one, two on the lids, max. much more than that, and things could get a little distracting.

I’m wearing Dive Bar on my lids today, and when I turn my head left and best and look in the mirror, I can really see the color change.

It’s very eye-catching, but not exactly something I’ll wear all the time, all over my lids, at once, you know? I’m much more comfortable wearing one or two shades on my lids or along my lash lines with some yummy matte neutrals in the crease. That way I still get a little color, without the shadows taking over.

And these will take over! just for the heck of it, I threw a bunch of these on my lids at the same time, and I promise I looked like I’d just boarded the next train to crazy Town.

Urban Decay summer 2015 Collection Eyeshadow: Swatches (for reference, I’m an NC 42 in MAC)

From the left: Dive Bar, Sideline,ការបាញ់បង្ហោះនិងកន្លែងសំរាកលំហែ
backfire, tonic, bearware និង Riff
ការពាក់ពេលវេលាហាក់ដូចជាល្អបំផុតស្របតាមពណ៌ដែលមានស្រាប់របស់យូឌីនិងល្ពៅសម្រាប់នោះ។ ខ្ញុំបានពាក់អាវទាំងនេះដោយមានមគ្គុទេសក៍ថ្មីហើយពួកគេបានធ្វើឱ្យខ្ញុំមានរយៈពេល 8 ម៉ោងយ៉ាងងាយស្រួល។

ចុងក្រោយការវេចខ្ចប់។ ដូចស្រមោលស្រមោលដែលមានស្រមោលបែបទីក្រុងដទៃទៀតដែរទាំងនេះអាចត្រូវបានផុតពីករណីរបស់ពួកគេហើយបានចូលក្នុងក្ដារលាយពុកផុយនៅទីក្រុងប៉ុន្តែខ្ញុំតែងតែឆ្ងល់ថាតើមានអ្នកណាម្នាក់ពិតជាធ្វើដូច្នោះទេ? ព្រោះខ្ញុំមិនដែលមាន។ ជាធម្មតាខ្ញុំទើបតែបញ្ចប់ការដាក់ស្រមោលមួយចំនួនដែលខ្ញុំត្រូវការក្នុងកាបូបមួយរួមជាមួយក្ដារលាយអាក្រាតកាយមិនអីទេ!

ទោះបីជាខ្ញុំបានឃើញពណ៌មួយចំនួននៃបញ្ជរផ្សេងទៀតពីមុនខ្ញុំចូលចិត្តយូឌីនោះដែលរួមបញ្ចូលទាំងការផ្តល់ប្រយោជន៍ដល់ស្មៅប្រចាំថ្ងៃជាមួយនឹងស្រមោលពិធីជប់លៀងរីករាយ។ ព្យាយាមរកមើលឱ្យបានដិតដល់នូវការប្រយ័ត្នប្រយែងនិងកន្លែងអង្គុយនៅពេលដែលចេញមកនៅថ្ងៃទី 15 ខែមេសា។ អ្នកទាំងនោះគឺជាការឈរសម្រាប់ខ្ញុំ។


រូបបញ្ឈររបស់ Adele Bloch-Bauer ខ្ញុំដោយ Gustav Klimt តាមរយៈវិគីភីឌា
ខ្ញុំបានឃើញខ្សែភាពយន្តដ៏អស្ចារ្យកាលពីយប់មិញហៅថាស្ត្រីក្នុងមាសដោយសម្តែងដោយ Helen Miren Mirren និង Ryan Reynolds ។ វានិយាយអំពីការលួចសិល្បៈសង្គ្រាមលោកលើកទី 2 យុត្តិធម៌នយោបាយអូទ្រីសទំនាក់ទំនងសាធារណៈមោទនភាពជាតិការប្រយុទ្ធគ្នាខាងផ្លូវច្បាប់និងការគូរគំនូរដ៏ល្បីល្បាញ (ស្ត្រីក្នុងមាសដែលមានឈ្មោះថា GOLD) ។

រឿងនេះចាប់ផ្តើមនៅឆ្នាំ 1930 អូទ្រីស (ខ្ញុំគិតថា) នៅពេលដែលគណៈកម្មការគ្រួសារជ្វីហ្វសម្បូរបែបរបស់ជនជាតិជ្វីហ្វបានធ្វើរូបបញ្ឈរសម្រាប់ពួកគេដែល Nazis នៅពេលពួកគេវិលពាសពេញអឺរ៉ុបលួច។

សមាជិកគ្រួសារម្នាក់ដែលជាចរិតលក្ខណៈរបស់ម៉ារីយ៉ា Altmann (លេងដោយ Helen Mirren) គ្រប់គ្រងដើម្បីរត់គេចប្រទេសអូទ្រីសនៅពេលណាស៊ីសកំពុងរឹតបន្ដការរបស់ពួកគេហើយបានភៀសខ្លួនទៅអាមេរិក។ បន្ទាប់ពីសង្គ្រាមគំនូរដែលត្រូវចោរលួចត្រូវបានទាមទារដោយរដ្ឋាភិបាលអូទ្រីស។

ពាក់កណ្តាលសតវត្សរ៍ក្រោយមកម៉ារីយ៉ាព្យាយាមយកផ្ទាំងគំនូរមកវិញ (មានពួកគេមួយចំនួនត្រូវបានគេលួចក្នុងអំឡុងពេលសង្គ្រាម) ប៉ុន្តែរឿងល្ខោននេះក៏ជាតារានេះដែរដែលជាមិត្តភក្តិរបស់ម៉ារីយ៉ា / មិត្តគ្រួសាររបស់ម៉ារីយ៉ា។


ទោះយ៉ាងណាវាល្អ! អ្វីដែលត្រូវមើលថាតើអ្នកមិនមានអារម្មណ៍លឿនពេកឬខឹងសម្បារខ្លាំងពេកទេ។




Makeup and appeal blog Monday Poll, Vol. 271

The makeup and appeal blog Monday Poll for may 13, 2013

អ្នកប្រហែលជាឆ្ងល់ថា “ដូច្នេះតើអ្វីទៅជាការស្ទាក់ស្ទើរនៅថ្ងៃច័ន្ទនេះ?”

Well, it isn’t much of a poll. It’s a lot more just a regularly evolving (devolving?), somewhat random list of questions I’ve been putting out to readers every Monday morning for the past four years. I’ve always took pleasure in reading your answers in the comments, and I hope you take pleasure in reading mine.

How do you feel about music festivals?
I’ve gotta say…I’ve been to a few, and they’re just not really my thing.

I can never see what’s happening on stage (#shortpeopleproblems), my feet ache from standing so long (again, while unable to see the stage), and porta potties just really, really freak me out.

Most of the time, I’d rather enjoy pre-recorded performances on TV from the comfort of my living room couch.

Something you used to wear that now makes you flinch whenever you see yourself wearing it in old pictures?
Egad, remember those cheesy plastic choker necklaces from the late ’90s? I’m wearing one (and often two) in nearly every one of my “We’re going to da club!” pics from that era.

I had ’em in a bunch of different colors, too, haha!

Last time I went home, I saw one hanging from a hook as a decoration in my parent’s bathroom…

What’s a lot more fun for you — doing your hair, nails or makeup?

Nails are a lot more of a kicking back thing for me, and my hair tends to be a chore.

Have you ever gone on holiday by yourself?
Nope, but I’ve been thinking about taking a long day spa weekend by myself sometime soon.


I love traveling with pals or El Hub, but I also like (okay, LOVE) the idea of being able to do whatever I want, whenever I want to do it.

How did you meet your closest friend(s)?
We went to elementary school together. I met Jen in second grade and Cindy in third, but it wasn’t until high school that we all started hanging out together regularly.

Three things you’re grateful for ideal now?
The sunshine outside my window, afternoon naps (because I napped yesterday and feel well rested today), and uplifting songs.

What time did you wake up this morning?
At exactly 5:55. I just opened my eyes, too. No tabby or other alarm clocks.

Three things on your desk ideal now?
A small quartz rock, a purple gel pen (Uniball Vision Elite Micro 0.5…the BEST!) and a bottle of Vitamin Water Zero in Squeezed.

Something you’d like to do this summer?
Swim in a lake.

Did you pick up any new makeup or appeal products last weekend?
I swung by a MAC counter on Saturday to get a new 224 (misplaced mine), a 109 small Contour brush and a Veluxe Brow liner in Deep Dark Brunette

To complete the Monday Poll, just copy the following list, and paste it with your answers in the comments.

Le List

1. how do you feel about music festivals?
2. Something you used to wear that now makes you flinch whenever you see yourself wearing it in old pictures?
3. What’s a lot more fun for you — doing your hair, nails or makeup?
4. have you ever gone on holiday by yourself?
5. how did you meet your closest friend(s)?
6. three things you’re grateful for ideal now?
7. What time did you wake up this morning?
8. three things on your desk ideal now?
9. Something you’d like to do this summer?
10. Did you pick up any new makeup or appeal products last weekend?


How are you feeling this morning? Do you feel ready for the week?



The new NARS Audacious Lipstick Collection: The Corals, hot Pinks and Oranges

The new 40-piece NARS Audacious Lipstick Collection ($32 each)

Kayaking and dry Lips: A Haiku

Dear Self, Please take note
Next time you go kayaking
Don’t forget lip balm

Um, yeah. My lips are pretty tow up and wind burned right now as a result of last weekend’s epic four-hour Tahoe kayaking adventure/unanticipated gut check-testing marathon (seriously, what was I thinking!? My forearms still feel like jiggly orange Jell-O.).

But you probably can’t tell from these pics. and credit for that goes to these brand new NARS Audacious Lipsticks ($32 each, available in 40 shades).


I don’t know what kind of makeup witchcraft is at work here, but whatever it is, it’s some powerful sh*t…like Fairuza Balk from The Craft caliber.

With completely opaque coverage from a single swipe (coverage, mind you, that does not catch on my little lip flakes and cracks) they apply ever-so-nicely on my wind burned, chapped lips, leaving them looking incredibly smooth, creamy and — dare I say it? — a little plumper and fuller.

Based on how they look and feel now, I can’t wait to try them on my non-chapped lips once they’ve healed. Heck, my lips might look good enough to fool Brad into thinking that I’m Angie!


ឆ្មានិងគ្រឿងតុបតែងមុខរបស់ឆ្មា ??

42 ដុល្លារ


OK, doubt it. ប៉ុន្តែ​នៅតែ…

The coral, hot pink and orange shades

There are 40 (!) shades in the collection, but of course I had to check out the corals and hot pinks first (don’t worry, the others will follow).

Among these, I really dig flamingo coral Natalie and bright pinkish coral Grace, and I love how all of the colors have such cute girly names (although, hello, where’s Karen?).

Orange and coral shades from the left: Catherine, Juliette, Geraldine, Natalie, Kelly (Barneys new York exclusive), Greta and Grace
MONUMENTAL color selection

The extensive 40-piece line lands in the NARS permanent collection September 1, both in stores and online.

And did I mention that it’s extensive?

Because it is.


40 shades! — in almost every wearable lip color imaginable.

Bright pink NARS Audacious Lipsticks from the left: Marisa (Barneys new York exclusive), Claudia and Michiyo
The subtle variations among the shades in the different color families are also super cool. Like, say you’re hunting for a particular shade of coral. OK, well, you could go with a pink coral, a bright pinkish coral or a flamingo coral.

And those are just corals!

Chances are, if you’re looking for a very specific shade of red, coral, orange, pink or nude, you’ll be able to find something close to it in this collection.

Comfy, like your favorite bra

My lips love the medium-weight formula, too. It just feels great, even though it isn’t the most moisturizing lipstick potion I’ve ever tried, but it certainly isn’t drying at all. Plus, there are no funky flavors or scents to deal with and, depending on the brightness of any particular shade, the wear time isn’t bad. It varies from 2-3 hours for the nudes, and 4-5 hours for the bolder colors.

Kelly (Barneys new York exclusive)
Marisa (Barneys new York exclusive)
Swatches from the left: Catherine, Juliette, Geraldine and Natalie
Kelly (Barneys new York exclusive), Greta and Grace

Marisa (Barneys new York exclusive), Claudia and Michiyo
Kelly (Barneys new York exclusive)
Marisa (Barneys new York exclusive)

The entire NARS Audacious Lipstick Collection includes…

Starting September 1, the following 30 shades will be available at NARS counters, stores and online

Claudia, a amazing pink

Michiyo, a shocking pink

Greta, a wild azalea

Angela, a pink orchid

Janet, a deep magenta

Fanny, a rich berry

Vera, a bright raspberry

Charlotte, an oxblood burgundy

Audrey, a red currant

Anna, a smokey rose

Catherine, a sunny guava

Juliette, a pink coral

Natalie, a flamingo

Grace, a bright pink coral

Geraldine, a tangerine

Lana, a vivid orange red

Annabella, a poppy red

Rita, a scarlet

Marlene, a red brick

Olivia, a garnet

Anita, an antique rose

Jane, a terracotta rose

Brigitte, a nude rose

Barbara, a tan rose

Raquel, a pink beige

Leslie, a cherrywood

Jeanne, a cherry red

Deborah, a chestnut

Bette, a bordeaux

Liv, a deep aubergine

And these 10 shades will be available exclusively at Barneys new York…

Vanessa, a mauve nude

Julie, a nude pink

Marisa, a warm pink

Kelly, a coral hibiscus

Carmen, a geranium

Dominique, a pink lilac

Silvia, a radiant orchid

Vivien, a reddish plum

Sandra, a rosewood

Ingrid, a merlot


I expect (err, hope) a Karen shade to be announced soon (taps foot), but until then, I guess these 40 shades will have to do.

PRICE: $32 each
AVAILABILITY: Coming Sept. 1 to the NARS permanent line, with 30 shades heading toហាងបញ្ជរបញ្ជរនិងតាមអ៊ិនធរណេតនិងមានកាំរស្មីផ្តាច់មុខចំនួន 10 ក្បាលដែលធ្វើដំណើរទៅកាន់បានីនីញូវយ៉ក
ការវាយតំលៃនិងការវាយតំលៃប្លក់សម្រស់: ក – (ខ្ញុំគិតថាពួកគេអស្ចារ្យប៉ុន្តែតើមានអ្វីកើតឡើងជាមួយនឹងការដំឡើងថ្លៃពីអូអ៊ី។




The Tarte colored Clay CC Eye primer Stick: For Lids So Smooth It’s Criminal

The new $21 Tarte colored Clay CC Eye primer Stick
For lids so smooth that people might think you sold your soul and your cat to a sketchy character in a shady back-alley deal, there’s Tarte’s new cruelty-free colored Clay CC Eye primer Stick ($21).

I swear, this primer makes my lids, which are usually a hotbed of fine line action, look 10 years younger.


As it is in several of Tarte’s new fall products, colored Clay is the star ingredient. It’s supposed to color correct itself on the skin, absorb oil, smooth the skin and, over time, reduce redness.

When I apply eyeshadows on top of it, I get about 8-10 hours of wear with very little creasing, and whatever I layer on top looks great — smooth, elegant, refined, and not heavy at all.

I just draw a bit of the creamy pinkish beige on my lids (twist up the pencil, and swipe directly on your skin), blend it out with a finger from lash line to brow bone, and that’s it. products layered on top look exceptionally smooth, and I really do think my lids look younger.


ឆ្មានិងគ្រឿងតុបតែងមុខរបស់ឆ្មា ??

42 ដុល្លារ


Of course, my fine lines don’t completely disappear… like the Kardashians, they’re bound and determined to eventually take over, and this is a primer stick, ya know? Not a Christmas miracle.

The only drawback I can see is that the primer does tone down the intensity and shimmer of the shadows I layer on top.

Not too crazy about that… I like my primers to turn things up! I want my eyeshadows swinging from the chandeliers!

But no.

PRICE: $21
AVAILABILITY: available now in the permanent collection at Tarte counters and online
MAKEUP and beauty blog RATING: B+

Euphoric moments with cake…

Cake. I’ve been thinking about it, and craving it, and talking about it all week long. almost obsessively (well, more than almost).

El Hub, sweet soul that he is, noticed this and surprised me last night with a slice of chocolate fudge cake from Safeway.

I’m not kidding, babe, when I finished eating that cake, I danced a dance of joy. I seriously felt like dancing, and I did. It was THAT good.



Your friendly neighborhood cake addict,



អុសធីងហ្គាយថ្មី 1,5 មីល្លីមមីល្លីលែល: សម្រាប់ភ្នែកឆ្មានិងកាណុងបាញ់នៅអាងហែលទឹក


ចំណូលចិត្តរបស់ខ្ញុំគឺជាអ្នកដែលមានជ័រលុបរាងពងក្រពើដ៏វែង (ខ្ញុំមាន The ចាស់មួយដែលខ្ញុំមានសម្រាប់ឆ្នាំ Zillion) ហើយខ្ញុំជាផ្នែកមួយនៃការនាំមុខ 15 ម។ ម។


ការនាំមុខ .5 មមមមគឺតូច។


ប៉ុន្តែវាមិនតូចជាងព័ត៌មានដែលមានទំហំតូចជាងនេះទេនៅលើកញ្ចក់ទន្លេជែលមេកានិចដែលមានទំហំ 1,5 មីល្លីម៉ែត្រថ្មីដោយម៉ោង Soglass (45 ដុល្លារ) ។


ពួកគេមកបីដងក្នុងមួយកញ្ចប់ហើយអ្នកទទួលបានពី 17-20 ប្រើនីមួយៗ។


ថ្មីៗនេះពួកគេត្រូវបានបន្ថែមទៅខ្សែអចិន្រ្តៃយ៍សម្រាប់ការដួលរលំហើយខ្ញុំកំពុងយកពួកគេសម្រាប់ការបង្វិលនៅចុងសប្តាហ៍នេះ (ភ្នែកឆ្មានិងកាណុងបាញ់នៅអាងហែលទឹក) ។ ខ្ញុំសង្ឃឹមថាពួកគេគ្រាន់តែដូចជាទឹកជ្រាបនិងយូរអង្វែងនៅពេលដែលពួកគេអះអាង។

អុសធីងហ្គាសថ្មី 1,5 មឺមភ្នែកជែលមេកានិច

ទិព្វកំពប់ 1.5 មមមានភាពជាក់លាក់ធានានូវការគ្រប់គ្រងដោយគ្មានការប្រឹងប្រែងនិងអនុញ្ញាតឱ្យមានតម្រង់ជួររវាងរោមភ្នែក។

រូបមន្តប្លែកៗដែលចាក់ចូលក្នុងសមាសធាតុមេកានិចដែលតូចបំផុតមានភាពមានឥទ្ធិពលអាំងតង់ស៊ីតេនិងការស្នាក់នៅថាមពលជែលប្រពៃណី។ មិនមានសក្តានុពលគ្មានជក់គ្មានការសម្អាតចាំបាច់ទេ។



ការចុចពីរដងគឺជាអ្វីដែលអ្នកត្រូវការដើម្បីតម្រង់ជួរភ្នែក។ ខ្មៅដៃមេកានិចទំនើប ៗ នីមួយៗមានអាយុកាលប្រមាណពី 17 ទៅ 20 ។

គ្រាន់តែចែកចាយផលិតផលតាមតម្រូវការ – ខ្មៅដៃមេកានិចមិនដកស្រង់ទេ។

មិនមាន Phthalates, ស៊ុល, Talc និង Gluten ។ គ្មានការធ្វើតេស្តសត្វទេ។


អ្នកអាចរកឃើញពួកគេឥឡូវនេះនៅឯ Barneys New York, Bergdorf Goodman,, Speed.nk, Sphehora និង Online នៅម៉ោងនៅម៉ោងៀសនៅម៉ោងនៅម៉ោងេះ។ ស្រទាប់តែមួយក៏អាចរកបាននៅជ្រើសរើសអ្នកលក់រាយរួមទាំងគេហទំព័រម៉ោង Sglass ក្នុងតម្លៃ 16 ដុល្លារ។

ភី។ ស៊ី។ ស៊ី នៅក្នុងព័ត៌មានផ្សេងទៀតអាណាព្យាបាលរបស់ Galaxy យប់នេះ? ខ្ញុំកំពុងឈ្លក់វង្វេងនឹងរ៉ុក្កែតរ៉ុក្កែត!