Archive: March 26, 2022


MOTD featuring Annabelle and Vasanti

I’ve never done a MOTD post on the blog since I don’t actually post my face, it makes it somewhat challenging. but through the magic of product photos, swatches, illustration, and imagination – I think I can pull this off.

This is the makeup that I wore on Wednesday. It was a day of meetings for me, so I have to look as “polished” as possible since it’s a lot of face time with both internal and external people. Wednesdays are not my favourite days of the week – hump day indeed!

I’ll list the makeup in the order in which I apply them:


• Vasanti Silky Eye shadow Duo in mount Olympus
• Vasanti Micronized Silky Eyeshadow singles in Brasilia and Vail
• Kiss Me Heroine Make eyeliner in black
• Revlon volume + length Magnified mascara
• Maybelline Eye studio Master drama cream pencil in Taupe Takeover
• Shu Uemura brow:sword in Acorn (review here)

The far 2 left side swatches are the Shu Uemura brow:sword and Kiss Me Heroine Make eyeliner in black.
The Vasanti eye shadows are ones that I really enjoy but seem to neglect. I used the duo on the lid and blended up, with Brasilia smudged along my lash line, and the Vail as my transitional shade. I used the Maybelline taupe liner on my lower lash line. I’ll be doing a review on the Revlon mascara soon.


• Illamasqua Skin Base in 6.5 and 7.5
• Mary Kay Undereye Corrector
• too faced born This way concealer in Light (review here)
• LA colors pressed Powder in beige (rave here)

I mix the 2 shades of the Illamasqua foundation for my summer colour (2 parts 6.5 and 1 part 7.5) – in the winter I only need 6.5. This is a wonderful foundation with high pigment and the finish is natural as long as you use a beauty Blender type sponge. and a tiny amount of product, like 2 pea sized dots, is all that’s required.  And, I’ve found a good corrector that works underneath the TF concealer! review to come.

Cheeks & Lips:

• Annabelle Blush-On in spring Petal
• Annabelle TwistUp Retractable Lipstick in Divine

The blush is a natural peachy pink shade that has a bit of a golden sheen but not obvious shimmer – it lasts really well on my face too. and the lipstick is so easy to apply and the colour is like a fresher take on a MLBB shade – warmer and brighter. It’s the kind of colour that brings life to the face.

The finished look:

តើ​អ្នក​គិត​អ្វី? should I continue doing MOTD posts? I change up my makeup all the time in an attempt to spread the love in my stash. Although, I can’t guarantee that the finished looks are going to appear all that different since my staples are taupe eye shadows, rosy blushes and MLBB lippies.


ចុចដើម្បីផ្ញើអ៊ីមែលនេះទៅ PAL (បើកក្នុងបង្អួចថ្មី)
ចុចដើម្បីចែករំលែកនៅលើ Pinterest (បើកនៅក្នុងបង្អួចថ្មី)

ចុចដើម្បីចែករំលែកនៅលើ Twitter (បើកក្នុងបង្អួចថ្មី)
ចុចដើម្បីចែករំលែកនៅលើ Tumblr (បើកក្នុងបង្អួចថ្មី)

ចុចដើម្បីចែករំលែកនៅលើ REDDIT (បើកក្នុងបង្អួចថ្មី)

ដូចជាការផ្ទុក …


PP12: Lancôme Khol in love eye liner in chocolate AffairIf you listened to the most recent MyLipAddition podcast, you would have heard me ranting about doing project Pan! 😛 I remain committed to this cause, but I have to admit, wearing the same makeup day in, day out, is really challenging when you have so many other options staring…
October 24, 2016In “Beauty”

ល្អបំផុតនៃឆ្នាំ 2016 ការរកឃើញឆ្នាំ 2016 វាគឺ – ដូចដែលអ្នកអាចស្រមៃ, ព្យាយាមបង្រួមនូវរបស់ល្អបំផុតគឺពិបាកណាស់! របស់ទាំងនេះគឺថ្មីសម្រាប់ខ្ញុំប៉ុន្តែប្រហែលជាមិនមែនជាការដាក់ឱ្យដំណើរការថ្មីនៅឆ្នាំ 2016 ទេធាតុទាំងនេះប្រហែលជាមិនចាំបាច់ជា “Grail បរិសុទ្ធ” របស់ខ្ញុំគ្រប់ពេលវេលាទេពួកគេគ្រាន់តែល្អបំផុតពី …
ថ្ងៃទី 12 ខែមករាឆ្នាំ 2017 “សម្រស់”

Massive PurgeYou may recall that the primary objective of this blog originally was to reduce my beauty stash. ^^’ I had a three-pronged plan: A) stop buying more (No-Buy / Low-Buy) B) use up what I have (empties aka trash Stash) C) get rid of items that I no longer use…
ថ្ងៃទី 18 ខែមករាឆ្នាំ 2018 “សម្រស់”




ខ្ញុំជាប្រភេទមនុស្សដែលសរសេរបញ្ជីនៃបញ្ជីទាំងអស់ដែលខ្ញុំត្រូវធ្វើគឺឡូយ! នៅពេលណាមួយខ្ញុំមានបញ្ជីយ៉ាងហោចណាស់ចំនួនប្រាំដែលត្រូវធ្វើ។


មានអ្វីមួយអំពីដំណើរការនៃការទទួលបានទាំងអស់ចេញពីក្បាលរបស់ខ្ញុំហើយសរសេរវាហើយបន្ទាប់មករៀបចំវាតាមរបៀបដែលសមហេតុផលសម្រាប់ខ្ញុំ, ដែលខ្ញុំពិតជាពេញចិត្ត។ ខ្ញុំគិតថាខ្ញុំជាការបង្ហាញបែបនោះគឺហា!



កាត់សក់។ ខ្ញុំត្រូវការមួយយ៉ាងខ្លាំង។ សក់របស់ខ្ញុំធ្ងន់ម្តងទៀតហើយវាផ្តល់ការឈឺក្បាលដល់ខ្ញុំ។ បូ!

ស្វែងរកសាប៊ូកក់សក់ថ្មីនិងម៉ាស៊ីនត្រជាក់។ ថ្មីៗនេះខ្ញុំបានទិញរបស់ខ្លះពីមុខងារនៃភាពទាក់ទាញដើម្បីព្យាយាមហើយគួរឱ្យស្តាយវាមិនដំណើរការទេ។ ចុងរបស់ខ្ញុំគឺការសភាពស្ងួតអ៊ូ! ដូច្នេះឥឡូវនេះខ្ញុំកំពុងពិចារណាត្រឡប់ទៅសាលារៀនចាស់របស់សាលាចាស់របស់ខ្ញុំ, Bumbles & Bumble, ឬព្យាយាមឱ្យបន្ទាត់សក់ស្អាត “ស្អាត” ដែលមានឈ្មោះថា Innersence ។

ស្រាវជ្រាវផលិតផល Innerness ។ ការពិតភាពសប្បាយរីករាយ – ពួកគេកំពុងពឹងផ្អែកលើតំបន់ឆកសមុទ្រ។

កែតម្រូវស្ថានភាពបបូរមាត់និងចិញ្ចើមខ្ពស់។ ជាថ្មីម្តងទៀតខ្ញុំគឺជាការ sasquatch ភ្លាមៗហើយវាបានកើតឡើងហាក់ដូចជាពេញមួយយប់។

លាងជក់ពីរបី។ ខ្ញុំមានជក់ដែលអាចដកបានដោយម៉ាក Chanel ដែលខ្ញុំស្រឡាញ់! ខ្ញុំកំពុងធ្វើដំណើរឆាប់ហើយពួកគេត្រូវការការសំអាតល្អ។


តើមានអ្វីកើតឡើងចំពោះការប្រព្រឹត្ដដែលត្រូវធ្វើរបស់អ្នក? អ្នកអាចរាយអ្វីដែលអ្នកត្រូវធ្វើឬផលិតផលនិងម៉ាកដែលអ្នកចង់ស្រាវជ្រាវឬរបស់ដែលអ្នកត្រូវការដើម្បីតំរែតំរង់ … សរសេរវាទាំងអស់នៅក្នុងមតិយោបល់!




What I got for Christmas 2015

It’s fun to give and receive for gifts for Christmas! As I mentioned during blogmas, we’re pretty low-key for Christmas which also applies to gifts. I gave my SO coins from the Mint, a cookbook, a top from Roots (no socks! ), a wooden utensil set from William Sonoma, and other kitchen gadgets.  We gave his family clothes, candles, hand creams, chocolate / cookies / nuts (thank goodness for Hickory Farms!), and of course, alcohol.

And here’s what I received for Christmas (thank you again for these gifts!) – sorry for all the stock photos, post-holiday laziness, ya know:

Formula X The two in iconic and Legend

Tocca beauty Piccolo Tresoro Giulietta Body Scrub, Eau de Parfum, Hand cream Set

Tarte fanciful favorites Deluxe discovery Set
(my MIL / SIL definitely hit up the Sephora Black Friday sale! )

Sephora super Kisses: set of 3 Kiss Me Balms (in Cotton Candy, soda Pop, Berry Red)

bareMinerals The Regal Wardrobe
I put these 2 items on my wishlist since I’d been eyeing them!

Elizabeth grant Suprême Cell Vitality skincare set
I know absolutely nothing about this brand except for the fact that it’s sold on the shopping Channel, and that my MIL uses it. The set includes enormous bottles of serums for day and night and eye – I’m intrigued.

Paul & Joe Beaute Le Bal Masque Set
I was super psyched to receive this from my friend! My first ever P&J products – I’ll be doing a extensive review of this incredible set soon!

Bamboo pillows
We already use Tempur-Pedic Cloud pillows but this looks like a good alternative.

Bath & Body works hand soaps
Almost enough for another year!

Saje AromaBreeze Ultrasonic Nebulizer and liquid Sunshine oil
I’ve been wanting one of these! It was either going to be from Saje or Muji.

Scentsy warmer and scent bars in Cinnamon Vanilla and Berries Jubilee

BBW candle in Vanilla Snowflake
I feel like people are telling me that my place stinks?

Paperchase Owl candle and tea towels
This shop has the cutest stationary and household items!

T-shirt from Crywolf Clothing
I bought a couple of t-shirts from Crywolf in the summer and I love them!

Spirited Away Blu Ray
Yay, finally! I’ve had this on my wishlist for a couple of years now. I love this movie so much.

Candies – Ferrero Rocher, 2lb tin of wine gums, chocolate, Pocky sticks

And gift cards galore:
• Cadillac Fairview (shopping mall)
• shoppers drug Mart
• Sephora
• Michael’s
• David’s Tea

That’s the highlight of what I received for Christmas!  We had a nice quiet Christmas (as quiet as it can be with the in-laws’ 9 month old Bengal kitten trying to get into everything).  How was your Christmas?  What did you receive?

Feature image source.


ចុចដើម្បីផ្ញើអ៊ីមែលនេះទៅ PAL (បើកក្នុងបង្អួចថ្មី)
ចុចដើម្បីចែករំលែកនៅលើ Pinterest (បើកនៅក្នុងបង្អួចថ្មី)

ចុចដើម្បីចែករំលែកនៅលើ Twitter (បើកក្នុងបង្អួចថ្មី)
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ចុចដើម្បីចែករំលែកនៅលើ REDDIT (បើកក្នុងបង្អួចថ្មី)

ដូចជាការផ្ទុក …


What I got for Christmas 2017The Christmas chaos is over! I hope you had a wonderful time. It’s the annual tradition to post what I got for Christmas so here it is! (and as is with tradition, I’m too lazy to take photos so you get stock photos! 😛 ) Smashbox Drawn in. Decked Out.…
December 27, 2017In “General”

ថ្ងៃសុក្រខ្មៅឆ្នាំ 2015: គ្មាន – គ្មានទិញ EditionHappy ការថ្លែងអំណរគុណដល់មិត្តភក្តិជនជាតិអាមេរិកាំងរបស់ខ្ញុំ! ខ្ញុំសង្ឃឹមថាអ្នកនឹងទទួលបានពោរពេញទៅដោយនំទួរគីនិងល្ពៅ! : D បន្ទាប់មកសម្រាកសម្រាប់ថ្ងៃសុក្រខ្មៅថ្ងៃស្អែក! 😉 ដូច្នេះវាហាក់ដូចជាមនុស្សគ្រប់គ្នាប៉ុន្តែខ្ញុំនឹងចេញលក់នៅថ្ងៃសុក្រខ្មៅនៅឆ្នាំនេះ។ * Pout * Alas, Black ថ្ងៃសុក្រនៅប្រទេសកាណាដាគឺតិចជាងមួយ …
ថ្ងៃទី 26 ខែវិច្ឆិកាឆ្នាំ 2015 “សម្រស់”

What I got for Christmas 2016I hope you all had a good Christmas! It’s terrific that Christmas day fell on Sunday – we have Boxing Day off (yesterday) and we get an extra day off since Christmas day was on the weekend. So we don’t have to go back to work until Wednesday. 🙂 It’s…
December 28, 2016In “Beauty”


Muji ទៅ! [+ Giveaway!]


Exactly a week ago, I had the enjoyment of going to an intimate open home at the MUJI Canada HQ in Toronto. picture my enjoyment to get a behind-the-scenes look at where the hectic bees make MUJI happen! as well as exactly how timely, considering that I’d just checked out MUJI in Japan, the mothership!

The open home was focused on introducing us to the MUJI to GO concept, which is all about travel essentials. Myself, together with 4 other Toronto blog writers as well as YouTubers, were provided a hands-on presentation of the MUJI to GO products.

Before the demo though, we had an interactive session with MUJI Canada President, Toru Akita. He embodies the MUJI brand. If you hadn’t understood he was the President, you’d believe he was part of the product advancement team – his enthusiasm for MUJI products is apparent. We were asked to bring an product that we always take when we go travelling. Mr. Akita, being a regular traveller who prides himself on packing lightly, showed us his item: a little leather folio with space to hold his passport, a slim notebook, as well as some service cards – all  secured by a pen in slot mechanism. Sadly, MUJI no longer offers this model, your finest choice is the Passport Case.  For my item, I showed my BAGGU bag, which I dutifully bring with me on every trip so I can bring all of my haulage securely.

Then it was onto the product demonstration. The approach behind MUJI to GO is simple: the products are compact, comfortable, as well as useful. The very first product shown was the Neck Cushion, which function a removable (washable!) cover made from soft cotton jersey material. fun fact: each neck rolls consists of 5 million microbeads (give or take a few ) for a mouldable, nearly memory foam-like, feel. one more neat function is that the pillow has a clasp that can be closed to safe around the neck, or left undone as well as utilized as a routine pillow.  Side note, I sat on MUJI’s Body in shape pillow during the interactive session as well as I might not get over exactly how comfortable it was! It utilizes the exact same microbeads as the neck pillow – I’ve sat on lots of bean bag chairs in my life as well as truly, theirs had the very best mix of malleability as well as support. Apparently, a Body in shape pillow consists of 100 million microbeads (give or take a few!).

Next was a demo of the Valise difficult bring travel Suitcase, which is offered in 3 sizes (33L, 60L, as well as 85L), as well as 4 colours (black, navy, beige as well as red). This situation features a wheel locking system (to stop accidental rolling), as well as a built-in safety lock (I like this feature! one more concern that was asked at the session was what travelling incidents we’ve encountered – mine was when I lost my cherished TUMI combination lock… I believe some flight terminal safety workers need to have opened my suitcase as well as failed to re-attach my lock. having the built-in lock indicates this would never happen!).

What I likewise appreciate about this situation is exactly how lightweight it is – the exterior is a semi-hard material, supplying security from rough handling, however likewise enables some flex.

The rest of the MUJI to GO variety include travel bottles, foldable lightweight backpack, zippered garment bags, eye mask, slippers, portable washing board as well as clothespins for in-hotel space laundering (how sugoi!!!), travel size skincare, and shrink wrapped towel / tee shirts as well as gown (I’ll compose a lot more about these in one more post! )

The shrink wrapped tee shirts as well as gown are in those square cubes!
Amazingly, MUJI Canada provided each of the open home participants a carry-on suitcase with a neck roll:

Of program I selected a RED case! I like colourful accessories.
Plus, contained inside the suitcase were a range of MUJI to GO products:

• Assortment of refillable travel bottles andlabels inside clear pouch
• foldable Garment Bags in M as well as L sizes
• Eye sleep mask
• Aluminum Bag hanger (purse hook)
• portable Garment Cleaner (lint roller)

Thank you extremely much, MUJI Canada, for the chance to discover about the MUJI to GO idea as well as the possibility to utilize these products! They will definitely are available in helpful when I go on our Mediterranean cruise later this year!

It was likewise great to satisfy other Toronto blog writers / YouTubers. Please go inspect them out:
• small Pear Style
• Alisha’s Guide
• For The like Of The City
• stylish Sophistic

Taken at the MUJI Atrium location.
In Canada, MUJI is offered on the internet as well as at the complying with store locations:
• Toronto: MUJI Atrium, across from the Eaton Centre
• Mississauga: MUJI Square One


And considering that MUJI Canada was so generous to me, I’ve made a decision to pay it ahead to you!  I went to MUJI this weekend as well as chosen up some MUJI to GO products just for YOU.

Here’s what I’m providing away:

• Eye Mask
• Cotton buds with ear pick

• Passport Notebook in red
• Smooth Ballpoint Pen in black
• Aluminum Bag hanger (purse hook)
• PP Refill tool Set (contains a funnel, dropper as well as spatula)
• Travel eyelash curler (mine went to Japan with me!)

• Cleansing Sheets
• PET Cylinder Spray Bottle
• PP pill & tablet Case
• Facial Blotting Paper
• Oil Cleansing for sensitive Skin – travel size 50ml (my favourite!)


Well I can’t have a appeal blog without providing away a makeup item, so I’m likewise including a MUJI blush that I gotten in Japan, directly from the Shinjuku MUJI store:

Cheek color mix type in Pink.
To enter, do this:

• comply with me on WordPress or by means of email
• such as this publish as well as leave a comment below to response either (or both) of these exact same concerns that MUJI asked us:
1) What product do you always bring with you when you travel?
2) have you had any type of travelling mishaps? story time!

Do this too, if you like:

• comply with MUJI Canada on Twitter, Instagram as well as Facebook
• comply with me on Twitter, Instagram as well as Facebook

Read this:

• open up until midnight Sunday, July 10, 2016 (EST)
• open internationally
• need to be over 18 years old
• One champion will be chosen
• champion will be revealed on Monday, July 11, 2016

This publish consists of products which were supplied to me by MUJI Canada complimentary of charge. I composed this entry out of my own freewill since I like MUJI products! This giveaway is not sponsored by MUJI – I gotten the products since I believe you people are swell. great luck!


ចុចដើម្បីផ្ញើអ៊ីមែលនេះទៅមិត្តភក្ដិ (បើកក្នុងបង្អួចថ្មី)
ចុចដើម្បីចែករំលែកនៅលើ Pinterest (បើកនៅក្នុងបង្អួចថ្មី)

ចុចដើម្បីចែករំលែកនៅលើ Twitter (បើកក្នុងបង្អួចថ្មី)
ចុចដើម្បីចែករំលែកនៅលើ Tumblr (បើកក្នុងបង្អួចថ្មី)

ចុចដើម្បីចែករំលែកនៅលើ REDDIT (បើកក្នុងបង្អួចថ្មី)

ដូចជាការផ្ទុក …


Back to institution as well as organizing with MUJI!Yes, it’s a bit unfortunate to think, isn’t it… however Back to institution is just around the corner!  Even though I’m no longer in institution (some days I believe about exactly how fantastic it would be to be back in school, as well as then I keep in mind the assignments as well as exams! 😛 ),…
August 11, 2016In “Beauty”

Muji Skincare [+ ផ្តល់ឱ្យ!] [ការផ្តល់ជូននេះត្រូវបានបិទ] ដែលអ្នកទំនងជាយល់ថាខ្ញុំដូចជាផលិតផលថែរក្សាស្បែករបស់ Muji ដែលខ្ញុំបានព្យាយាមដូច្នេះខ្ញុំមានលក្ខណៈពិសេសនៅក្នុងផ្ទះរបស់ Muji កាណាដាថ្មីបំផុតដែលត្រូវបង្ហាញ ការថែរក្សាស្បែករបស់ពួកគេ។ ស្រដៀងនឹងវគ្គដើមរបស់មូជីពីមុនដែរវាជារឿងតូចមួយ …
ថ្ងៃទី 18 ខែតុលាឆ្នាំ 2016 “សម្រស់”

MUJI Haul – June 2016Technically I gotten these products in June however it doesn’t consist of any type of makeup so there was no requirement to include it in my low-buy accountability.  I gotten these products when I went to MUJI to get the prizes for the giveaway as well as of program I can’t assist however to pick…
July 7, 2016In “Beauty”